School Governors

The Governing Body is the strategic decision making body of the school. Its role is to:

  • set the schools overall strategic direction, and to then work with leaders to communicate this vision, ethos and strategic direction to the whole school community and develop a culture of ambition;
  • provide a balance of challenge and support to the schools leaders, understanding the strengths and areas for improvement at the school;
  • understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of pupils currently in the school;
  • ensure that the school manages its finances effectively and that the school is properly using the pupil premium and primary PE and sport premium;
  • be transparent and accountable, including in recruiting staff, its governance structure, attendance at meetings and contact with parents.

Governors are volunteers who bring their outside experience into school to act as ‘critical friends’. Membership of the Governing Body is drawn from different parts of the community including the church, parents, staff and Local Authority.  The Governing Body meets ten times throughout the school year. Agenda and minutes can be accessed below. The full details of the Governance structure and remit of the Governing Body can be found in the link below under 'Terms of Reference' at the bottom of the page. 

School Governors & Category (Click on Yes to see pen picture)



Pen Picture 

Rev Andrew Tweedy

Foundation (Minister)


Tony Youd

Foundation - Vice Chair


Mike Watts



Christian McGuinness


To follow



To follow

Mark Winch

Foundation - Chair


Jessica Gray

Local Authority

To follow

Marie Wargent

Staff - Headteacher


Joanna Stainer

Staff Governor

To follow

Paul Norry


To follow

Daniel Richardson


To follow

Jono Atmore


To follow



 Full details of each governor can be found using this link.

Governors Details, Attendance and Register of Interests can be found using this link (updated 27/06/2024).


Clerk to the Governors  - Can be contacted via the School Office(Click on Yes to see pen picture)



Pen Picture 

Helen Roberts




Full Governing Body Agenda and Approved Minutes

April 2023 - Agenda

April 2023 - Agreed Minutes

June 2023 - Agenda

June 2023 - Agreed Minutes

July 2023 - Agenda

July 2023 - Agreed Minutes

September 2023 - Agenda

September 2023 - Agreed Minutes

October 2023 - Agenda

October 2023 - Agreed Minutes

November 2023 - Agenda

November 2023 - Agreed Minutes

December 2023 - Agenda

December 2023 - Agreed Minutes

February 2024 - Agenda

February 2024 - Agreed Minutes

March 2024 - Agenda

March 2024 - Agreed Minutes

April 2024 - Agenda

April 2024 - Agreed Minutes

June 2024 - Agenda

 Please click here to see the Terms of Reference for the governing body: