Curriculum Introduction


At St John the Evangelist CE VA Primary School our curriculum is rooted in our mission statement: caring for others, achieving excellence and the school values of respect, unity, self-belief, success, responsibility and inspire.

We have planned our curriculum with the intention of promoting learning and the personal development for all children. Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, resilient and confident learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.

The curriculum has been designed to ensure that academic success, as well as physical development, well-being and mental wellness are key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning. It provides meaningful opportunities to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Our aim is to deliver a dynamic and innovative curriculum that challenges, excites and inspires children to achieve their best. We are committed to providing a personalised curriculum with the individual child at the heart of everything we do. Learning is carefully sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught and understood before. It recognises that children will be at different stages of their learning journey and ensures that curriculum planning is tailored to individual needs.

At St John’s we seek to ensure the crucial deepening of essential knowledge, skills and understanding through our curriculum design. We plan and organise our curriculum to ensure that children are not merely covering curriculum content but are achieving a depth to their learning which enables them to apply their skills and understanding across a range of contexts and subjects.

Our well-planned and organised curriculum will:

  • Provide exciting and memorable experiences to ensure children are inspired to learn
  • Ensure all children receive a full and varied curriculum which meets their needs and interests
  • Support pupils to reach a high standard of literacy and maths skills through specific teaching and the application of these skills to learning across the curriculum
  • Ensure that knowledge and skills are taught progressively so that children build on what they already know and understand
  • Allow children to achieve depth to their learning by applying their knowledge and skills in a range of contexts and subjects
  • Develop children with enquiring minds, who question the world around them with curiosity
  • Extend learning beyond the classroom through engaging enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities
  • Teach children the essential social and emotional skills, as well as how to keep physically and mentally healthy
  • Develop children’s personal values, qualities and attitudes so that they are respectful of other people and their beliefs, views and opinions
  • Encourage children to be caring, responsible and active citizens who positively contribute to the local and wider community and environment


If you would like more information about our school curriculum, please contact the school office: 

All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background, in line with the Equality Act 2010. We strive to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language, in line with The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Regulations 2014. 

'Leaders and teachers plan exciting
lessons that bring learning to life. As a result, pupils achieve highly across the
curriculum.' OFSTED 2020