Starting Nursery 2021

Welcome to our existing and new families in Cherry Nursery. We look forward to welcoming all of the children to the nursery in September.

It is sad that we cannot invite you into school for the normal induction meetings and activities but hope that the information here will help you and your child with the transition into school.


Parent Presentation: Click here to access the Parent Presentation 


Supporting Language in the Early Years Video:

Other Booklets:

Welcome to Nursery Booklet


Email address for any parent questions:  


Transition Events:

If your child is new to the nursery, the arrangements for your child’s induction are as follows:

  • Friday 25th June – Parent Presentation available on the school website.
  • Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th July – Doorstep or Virtual Home Visits from the nursery teacher
  • Monday 12th July 3.15 – 4.00pm – Parent and child drop-in visit to meet the teacher and see the nursery classroom and garden. One parent to accompany each child please. Face coverings should be worn by the accompanying adult and social distancing maintained.


Normal nursery sessions will then begin on Thursday 2nd September 2021.